1What’s the cost of the treatment?
The reason why most dental treatments go up in price is because they are not custom-made to the patient’s specific needs; in other words, a standard fee is charged to all patients. At Smile Acapulco we thoroughly analyse your case to provide you with a custom-made budget. Make your appointment today and start saving; maybe tomorrow it will be too late and you’ll have to invest more.
2How often should I go to Smile Acapulco?
There are no one size fits all for this question. Some patients need to go to the Dentist at least once or twice per year while others need more frequent visits. Dental checkups are recommended at least every six months to prevent cavities and other dental issues.
3What are dental sealants and what are they for?
Dental sealants cover the tooth surface that are used when chewing. This protective layer repeals particles of food that could get caught between teeth which lead to cavities. The application of these sealants if quick, painless and is very effective and long-lasting. Even though its proven success in cavity prevention, it is estimated that less than 25% of children get this highly effective treatment.
4On average, what’s the duration of an orthodontics treatment?
Generally, it takes around 2 to 2 years and a half for completion.
5Is it possible to straighten teeth without the use of braces?
No, without the use of braces it is very hard to align crooked teeth. There are some removable devices that can be used but they are mainly used for maxillary teeth growth and they’re used on children because they haven’t fully developed yet.
6What is a prophylaxis or dental cleaning?
Prophylaxis or dental cleaning consists mainly in removing dental plaque and tartar formed around teeth; this treatment can be performed with manual instruments or with ultrasound depending on the case. It’s very important to keep periodical controls to maintain a healthy smile by visiting the Dentist every six months and by brushing your teeth in a correct manner.
7What is the use of fluoride?
Fluoride is a mineral with many properties and in dental terms it is very useful in cavity prevention because it reinforces the teeth’s enamel making it more resistant to the dental plaque’s acidity. It is also useful to treat tooth sensitivity because it dampens the effects caused by heat or cold. Fluoride is applied periodically after a thorough dental cleaning.
8What are resins and what are they for?
It’s the generic name given to certain aesthetic restorative materials used to fill teeth after the cavity is eliminated. At Smile Acapulco we never use mercury amalgams to treat cavities due to the controversy generated because they are believed to be the cause of some degenerative diseases like Alzheimer.
9What is a dental crown?
It is a “sleeve” that is used for teeth restoration or the setting of a bridge and it can be made out of several materials like metal-porcelain, porcelain without metal or other more aesthetic materials.
10What is an endodontics treatment for?
This treatment is used as a tool to clean the insides of a tooth. It consists of removing the nerve inside the tooth and sealing that conduct with an antiseptic paste; this treatment is commonly known as a root canal.
11What is a dental implant?
An implant is a biocompatible element (meaning it is not rejected by our organism) generally made from titanium which generally replaces the tooth’s root and fuses itself with the jaw’s bone after approximately 4 to 6 months. It can be placed over a dental crown thus replacing a missing tooth. It is placed via a dental surgery where it is placed inside the maxillary bone using local anaesthesia and in one procedure.
12What is a dental whitening and what is it for?
Dental whitening is a process by which the tooth’s enamel is cleared of its spots and blemishes. It requires previous examination of the tooth’s enamel, gum and tissue sensitivity and overall dental health. A brighter newer look is achieved by changing the color tonality of the teeth. It is always recommended to have this procedure done at the Dentist due to the ineffectiveness of some commercial teeth whitening products that, in some cases, can cause poor results and/or can weaken the tooth’s enamel.
13How much does the dental whitening last?
Indefinitely if is retouched once or twice a year. After six months a retouch can be made at home according to the Dentist’s instructions; an annual retouch must be had at the Dentist’s office depending on the patient’s case. If they’re not retouched, the teeth may become stained again. Obviously, general dental hygiene is necessary to prevent pigmentation from external agents. This procedure is done in a one-hour session if the patient does not present impeding dental issues such as cavities, extractions or gum disease.


1What are the causes of tooth sensitivity?
It is usually the consequence of brushing your teeth horizontally and with excessive force which leads to erosion at the tooth’s base.
2What are the most common dental ailments?
Dental cavities, followed by gingivitis (gum disease or inflammation) and dental occlusion issues. The first two can be addressed with good oral hygiene from an early age and frequent visits to the Dentist; the third one requires a previous evaluation by the Dentist to determine if orthodontics treatment is required.
3What is dental plaque?
Dental plaque is formed by an increase in dental bacteria which tends to fix itself on the tooth’s surface and by increasing in layers thanks to the adhesive properties of saliva.
4What are dental cavities?
Dental plaque produces powerful acids that are highly corrosive which attack the tooth’s enamel giving way to dental cavities. If not detected promptly it can attack the tooth’s dentine (the tissue beneath the enamel) causing pain that could lead to a root canal treatment.


1What is the right age for a child’s first visit to the Dentist?
When the child is one year old. Even though the child’s teeth haven’t fully erupted it is an excellent opportunity to assess the risk of the child’s chance of developing cavities and other dental diseases. The child’s parents will receive all the information regarding the proper dental care required to prevent dental diseases.
2 At what age should I start brushing my child’s teeth?
Dental care is required since they’re newly born by softly rubbing the baby’s gums with a moist cloth or gauze; when the first tooth erupts can be cleaned with alternative aides. By doing this we prepare the child to acquire healthy dental hygiene habits and to avoid struggling at later ages. When more teeth have erupted to the point where they can be brushed, they should be cleaned with a soft toothbrush and without the use of toothpaste. At the age of 3, children should start brushing their teeth by themselves with very little toothpaste and under the supervision of an adult; when the child reaches the age of 8 through they should brush their teeth by themselves.
3At what age can I know if my child’s teeth will need braces because they look a bit crooked?
Between ages 5 to 7. This is the ideal age range to start planning a strategy to straighten their teeth in case they lack space between teeth or due a bad bite. At this age bone is at its most maleable stage. Primary teeth or “baby teeth” are important for many reasons. These teeth set not only help the child to speak clearly and chew naturally, they also help in guiding the set of permanent teeth.
4As a parent, what can I do to prevent cavities on my child?
Parents play a pivotal role in the dental health of their children. Parents should take their children to regular visits to the Dentist from the moment the first tooth erupts. The parents along with the Dentist can devise a strategy to teach and supervise the children to brush their teeth and to use dental floss to promote healthy dental habits and prevent tooth decay. Regular visits to the Dentist along with supervision at home and a healthy low-sugar diet can almost ensure healthy teeth for life.
5When is it normal for my child’s teeth to come out completely?
Around the age or 2 and a half to 3 years of age the child should have experienced the eruption of 20 “baby teeth”. Of course, every person is unique and there may be variations in the ages. As with growth charts or weight charts, dentition parameters may vary with each individual and should not represent a cause of fear or preoccupation.