Recent studies estimate about half of all adults have some form of gum disease. Shocking, isn’t it? And if you're in an Orthodontic Treatment, it can be delayed until you take care of your gums.
Feeling a bit tired at times during the day is completely normal, even with a good night’s sleep. Some people, however, struggle every night for a restful sleep, especially those with sleep apnea.
Most people will develop a total of 20 baby teeth that are replaced by 32 adult teeth. Sometimes those teeth don’t all appear, a condition called hypodontia. In other cases, all the normal teeth will be present, plus at least 1 extra! These extra teeth are supernumerary teeth, and the condition is called hyperdontia.
Wearing braces is uncomfortable for being very noticeable and we don’t want people to find out we have crooked teeth. But, what if we told you there’s an option that’s completely invisible? Find out what Invisalign has to offer!